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quam commodi
voluptatem cum sint accusantium possimus eius, ipsa deserunt dolores, repellat tenetur incidunt.
Aperiam laborum id ipsa excepturi! Iste atque quis eos commodi molestias. Recusandae aperiam
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aliquid? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quas, dolor nemo fuga, atque
velit aperiam ea ipsa officia eum corporis in eveniet adipisci fugit autem?
I learned how could a school leader work as sample and example of other.How we work with school stakeholders.i.e.parents.alumini,villegers, teachers... etc. PARE ME CHACKAR ,MUHAME SAKAR, SIR PE BARAF mantra of a school leader.Aso NCSL help a lot to learn from other school leaders and our exports by sharing of knowlodge. Read More...
NCSL has helped me in becoming more innovative, experimental and initiative taking. This has made me take interest in pedagogical innovations, professional development of teachers, orientation of parents and community participation. My initiatives have born fruits and I feel more capable, committed and collaborative.Read More...
Through NCSL's capacity building program, I as the Principal of the school, have found myself more equipped with knowledge and more developed communication skills to implement new initiatives as part of the school development plan for this academic year. New ways of motivating teachers as well as students to achieve excellence in academic activities Read More...
The motto of the Centre is to reach out to each school in the country, ensuring every child learns and every school excels. To achieve this mission, the Centre has conceptualized school leadershiip development through operational activities along the four components: Curriculum and Material Development, Capacity Building, Read More...
The NCSL's capacity building programme helped me change my perspective to my role as an administrator and team leader. It helped me support my colleagues in adopting innovative approach to teaching learning process. It helped me runj my institution efficiently by bridging individual difference and work as a team. finally it improved my self confidence.Read More...
NCSL programs help us in various point of view, such as it developed our leadership quality, it also guide us in proper administration. NCSL program helps in smooth conduct of school activities. It helps in cooperation among school family. NCSL help us transforming teaching and learning process. It also increase the relation among the stakeholders.Read More...