National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration
(Deemed to be University)
National Centre for School Leadership
Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT) started School Leadership Academy (SLA) in the state in the year 2016-17. GCERT started School Leadership Academy at Saputara, Dang district. School Leadership Academy is getting financial support or grant from the State Government and National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) to conduct activities to develop school leadership skills. This grant is utilised to develop leadership skills among head teachers of primary schools and principals from secondary schools. GCERT constituted School Leadership Academy Planning Committee that approves the activities and working of the academy for that particular year. The School Leadership Academy has undertaken several initiatives to enhance educational leadership and innovation. It conducted leadership development training for newly recruited Head Teachers, Secondary School Principals, Cluster Resource Centre Coordinators (CRCCs) along with State and District Level Education Officers. The academy translated the NCSL online training modules into Gujarati and developed new modules for online training. Additionally, a documentary on school best practices was prepared and school leadership practices were documented. The academy also organized programmes for educational innovation and Kala Utsav, also organise programmes for educational stake holders. while developing materials and modules for various leadership related training. In collaboration with NIEPA, the academy launched the Online Programme on School Leadership and Management (PSLM) in Gujarati for teachers and head teachers of the State, with all PSLM course modules translated by the School Leadership Academy.