National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration
(Deemed to be University)
National Centre for School Leadership
School Leadership Academy Ladakh was established in 2020 as an extended arm of NCSL, NIEPA, New Delhi. DIET Leh was designated as SLA Ladakh Centre with the aim to provide trainings and capacity development of the school leaders of Ladakh. Since the establishment of SLA the first online meeting of core group members was conducted on 21 st Oct 2021 in which faculty from NCSL provided detailed information about the main aim and objectives for the establishment of SLA in UT Ladakh. On 1 st Nov. 2021 another online workshop was conducted for core group members along with DIET Leh and Kargil faculties in module development for school leaders. Soon after that various meeting, discussion sessions was conducted by SLA Ladakh to frame future action plan for the smooth functioning of SLA in Ladakh. Followed by this SLA has been conducting workshop, orientation programmes and capacity development programmes for school heads in various themes like implementation of NEP, pedagogical leadership, SEE learning and other important topics related to school improvement.