National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration
(Deemed to be University)
National Centre for School Leadership
School Leadership Academy (SLA), Tamil Nadu was established in 2018 to develop leadership qualities in school heads at The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) Chennai. The main objective of the academy is to inculcate all the required leadership qualities among the head teachers for school improvement. SLA aims to enhance professional qualities of School Heads by equipping them with sufficient skills and knowledge that enable them to critically analyze the challenges faced and opportunities available to schools in the prevailing conditions. SLA is conducting training related to School Leadership which is being implemented effectively throughout Tamil Nadu. SLA, Tamil Nadu has formulated modern approaches to education which encompasses right to quality education, right to joyful learning environment and effective school leadership that engages in transformation of schools. SLA, Tamil Nadu organized capacity-building training for DIET faculty members to equip them with the skills needed to support teachers in expanding their influence beyond their own classrooms, schools, and districts. School Case Studies and Video Documentary Review for School Heads was undertaken by School Leadership Academy. SLA identified the best practices related to School Leadership which were studied and documented. Video recordings of significant events were created to highlight the initiatives undertaken by Head Masters for school improvement. Moreover, a draft Tamil translation of the online school leadership course materials was completed and uploaded.