Page 182 - Final Draft_Casestudies_17June2019_new
P. 182
Prakash Vitthal Dhanawade
Zilla Prishad School Jwali, Ekiv School
Satara, Maharashtra
Email id:,
This school is located in a hilly area which is beautiful in ambience. It is a small school whose
building was transformed by the school head and his team. This school pioneered creating
networks with community and local donors. Everything was developed from scratch - new
building, new infrastructure including computer and printer, digital maps, charts etc. It was
possible only through strong school-community relations. However, increasing the enrolment still
persisted as a challenge. For this, active support of the community was garnered through door-to-
door campaigns, awareness rallies and making parents aware of the value of education. The school
head and his team have initiated many interesting courses and encouraged involvement of students
co-curricular activities for improving retention and participation in school. These initiatives have
translated in cent percent attendance.
ळारा का वन्दबत : वाभास्जक-आधथतक वन्दबत
स्जल्शा ऩरयऴद प्राथशभक ळाऱा एकील, भशायाष्र क े शळलकारीन इततशाव प्रशवध्द जालरी घाटी भें ऩशाडी
इराके भे फनी झाडडमो क े फीच फवी शै| जगवलख्मात कावऩुष्ऩ ऩठाय ऩय एकील ग्राभ फवा शै| उवी गाॉल
की मश ऩाठळारा शै| अत्मॊत भनोशायी तनवगत भें वाताया ळशय वे ळुरु शआ २४ कक.भी. का ऩशाडी याथता
ऩाय कयने क े फाद शभ ऩाठळारा भें ऩशॉचते शै| अत्मॊत दुगतभ इराका शोने क े फालजूद ऩाठळारा भें ऩशॎचने
क े फाद वायी थकान दूय शो जाती शै |
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