National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration
(Deemed to be University)
National Centre for School Leadership
The Directorate of Educational Research & Training (DERT), Shillong was identified as the Meghalaya School Leadership Academy (MSLA), by the Department of education, Government of Meghalaya in 2017 as proposed by the National Centre for School Leadership – National University of Educational Planning and Administration (NCSL-NUEPA), New Delhi now NIEPA deemed to be University, New Delhi. Faculty of the DERT and the District Institutes of Education & Training (DIETs) were nominated as State and District team members of the MSLA. The MSLA-DERT conducts various programmes and activities for Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary level Head of Schools/Principals on a yearly basis in offline, online and hybrid mode for all the 12 districts of the State. The online programmes includes workshops, orientation, webinars, live streaming and video conferencing (VC). The capacity building programme, video documentation and school visit were the activities conducted in the offline mode by the MSLA Also, hybrid programmes conducted by the MSLA includes the 50 hours Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Programme and case studies by HoS. . It may be mentioned that follow up programme is being conducted on the new learnings by the Hos through VC, documentation on the innovative practices through video and reports and school visits were undertaken to provide academic support to schools. Reports on the various programmes and activities conducted in the different modes were also prepared. It may be stated that HoS were selected as paper presenters at State and National Conferences. As part of material and content development the MSLA has translated the NCSL-NIEPA handbook on Pedagogical Leadership to Khasi and Garo. The MSLA has its own YouTube channel for uploading of content on the various activities and programme conducted.