Page 71 - Final Draft_Casestudies_17June2019_new
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Our Design:
Learning Improvement cycle structure (LIC)- It is improvement process designed specially to support
actual changes in classroom Practices as well as to develop teacher professional mindsets and behaviours
providing teachers with opportunities to see progress, create something together and work towards a
shared goal. It includes all the ingredients required to build motivation and support behaviour change.
Stakeholders support to us (TDC):
DIET Principal, DIET Lecturers and BRPs, Mentor Teachers and Program Manager from STIR are
supporting us. As per the requirement of the program various avenues and platforms of engagement were
created which aimed at the professional development of the teachers.
This 30 minutes session Rakesh place on a daily basis along with "One on One Session" monthly
meetings, Parents workshops etc.
Key Tips to structuring 30 minutes meeting.
1- Sharing learning profile of kids with teachers with respect to following indicators
Name of the student
Strength of the child both (subject and competency).
Circumstances at home (Parent aligned to education)
2- Sharing different TLS (Teaching Learning Strategies) used by teachers in different classes to make
teacher learning process useful.
3- Choose a strategy from previous themes of building connect, look for understanding and respond,
Mission Buniyad and Lesson Planning
4- Discussion on non-pedagogic issues like child safety, attendance and student's health. (Major
objective is to find constructive solutions to a problem as a team).
5- Strategies for improvement in reading in schools.
6- All the ARTs (Academic Resource Team) is also requested to share different useful learning
material in form of videos, pictures, reading content in WhatsApp groups which are helpful for
About One on One Session:
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