National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration
(Deemed to be University)
National Centre for School Leadership
National Centre for School Leadership (NCSL), NIEPA, New Delhi established School Leadership Academy (SLA) in State Institute for Educational Management and Training (SIEMAT), Dehradun, Uttarakhand for school leadership activities in 2017. School Leadership Academy started functioning in March 2017 in a phased manner. SLA started by appointing SLA staff, organising School Leadership Development Programmes (SLDPs) for School Heads and Principals, curriculum development, organising One Month Certificate Course and other training programmes for State Resource Groups to enhance leadership capacities of school leaders. Since its establishment, SLA Uttarakhand has been contributing in different leadership training programmes for heads of schools, educational officers, administrative and ministerial staff, state resource group members and other functionaries. Under the theme of Continuous Professional Development, every year since 2017, SLA conduct 6 days service training programme for school heads of elementary and secondary schools on school management, financial management and other need based educational issues every year. SLA developed self-learning training modules for school heads and also documented success stories on transforming of schools by their heads. SLA Uttarakhand organised webinar and seminars on vibrant topics of National Education Policy-2020. State Resource Group (SRG), SLA Uttarakhand developed capacity building training module for heads of Atal Utkrisht Vidhyalayas and Eklavya Vidhyalayas and conducted 6 days course for these school. SLA Uttarakhand also engaged in development of state school curriculum framework for foundational stage as well as school education with the help of SCERT and SIEMAT. SLA Uttarakhand conducted research- studies on effectiveness of DIET’s evolution study of Atal Utkrishth Vidyalaya of Uttarakhand. SLA Uttarakhand also developed number of educational documents such as Transfer policy of school heads and teachers, Restructuring of DIET, SCERT and SIEMAT, Criteria and norms for state level Teacher awards, draft-document of school time-Table and leaves in Uttarakhand, qualitative ACR norms and formats for school heads and teachers. SLA organises a One Month Certificate Course for secondary level school principals. SLA also organises 10 days SRG training for district level school leadership programme resource persons. Government and government aided school heads also participate in the online programmes designed by NCSL- NIEPA. All 13 District Institutes for Education and Training (DIETs) are working as nodal agencies for school leadership programmes at district level. They organise SLDP activities for elementary and secondary level school heads and principals in their respective districts. During Covid period, SIEMAT organised 5 days training course on ‘Hybrid Mode Learning and Digital Education’ under Continuous Professional Development Programme (CPDP) for School Heads. Developed refurbished curriculum for school education, online training programmes on stress free and motivational issues during pandemic period. This training was imparted through more than 500 virtual labs, situated in different secondary schools all over the state. A centrally located school education studio- virtual studio was used as a platform for the course trainers and resource persons. SLDP training packages and curriculum designed by NCSL-NIEPA are also being localised as per the need of the state. SLA, Uttarakhand is continuously enhancing leadership capacities of school leaders through various leadership programmes.