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on  continuum  basis  till  they  perform  at  satisfactory  level,  enabling  them  to
                          move ahead along with peer group.

                         Making a habit of writing diary by every student to develop writing skills and
                          power of expression.

                         Improved  Teaching  Learning  process  –  Encourage  students  to  respond,  ask
                          queries, do projects/activities; collaborative learning; discussions, experiments.
                          Sustained learning improvement strategies could be undertaken to address the
                          learning  deficiencies  of  the  students  by  providing  learning  support  to  the
                          students  through different strategies:  individualized  learning;  tutoring; plan -
                          teach-assessment- re-plan-re-teach-reassessment.

                         Encourage students to do peer group teaching, helps for self-learning and also
                          gives the scope for better learning through Child to Child contact.
                         Use of the concept of mentoring and coaching for professional development of

                          the teachers at their school level.  This concept may be adopted by the teachers
                          too with respect to the students.
                         Word  walls,  Learning  walls,  Expression  walls,  learning  corners  may  be
                          initiated  in  the  school  giving  space  for  expression  and  creativity  of  the

                         Use  of  story-telling  technique  as  a  medium  of  expression  and  to  develop
                          imagination power among student community, can be used in language classes.


                         Conduct  of  Balasabha  once  in  a  month,  to  unearth  the  hidden  talents  of  the
                          students and also a dais for their expression.
                         Involvement  of  student  representatives  in  Staff  Academic  meetings,  and
                          delegating powers to Teachers to hold academic meeting on a rotational basis
                          under the supervision of Head Teachers.

                         Evolving mechanisms to get formal and informal feedback from the students
                          on teacher’s performance.

                         Formation of school cabinets and subject clubs in the schools. Ex. Language
                          club-  story  telling,  writing  stories,  poetry,  vocabulary  building  exercises,
                          spoken English, book review

               STAFF DEVELOPMENT

                         Creating an open climate in the schools in sharing of successful pedagogical
                          practices in staff meetings and wider discussion at school complex level. Peer
                          evaluation of the performance by the teachers could be tried at school level.

                         Providing  a  mechanism  for  self-introspection  among  the  teachers  for
                          improving their professional life.

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