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helped the students to chalk out the plan of action with a vision and sense of
                          ownership  is  developed.  Ensured  the  effective  participation  of  students  in

                          School activities like Swachh Patashala, Haritha Haaram and Mock voting.

               ZPHS Shapurnagar-Medchal District:Head Mastert. K. Balabuchamma

                              The  school enrolment has almost doubled in a span of 6  years, from354
                          (year  2012)  to  692  (2018-19).Periodic  academic  review  meetings  are  being
                          conducted, adoption of students by every teacher is put into practice, so that
                          every  teacher  will  take  care  of  the  well-being  and  academic  progress  of  the
                          students  in  their  group.  Teacher  support  is  provided  in  the  last  period  on

                          continuum basis for those students who are lagging in the academics. Parent
                          Teacher  meetings  are  organized  to  appraise  the  academic  performance  and
                          attendance of the students. With the support of American foundation, weekly
                          2-days special classes are being conducted on Joyful learning in English.

                              The  school  took  active  support  of  Public  representatives,  NGOs  and
                          Corporate  sector  for  equipping  the  school  with  infrastructural  facilities,  labs
                          and  library.  With  the  support  of  public  representatives  (MLA),  NGOs
                          (Vandemataram foundation& Bread Society) and Corporate sector (Dr. Reddy
                          foundation&  Mylan  Company),  the  sanitation  of  the  school  was  improved,
                          water  connection  was  procured,  three  VVs  and  computer  operator  were
                          engaged.  Procured  books  and  cupboards  for  the  library.  Digital  lab  was
                          established with funds from  Mylan Company of about 18 lakhs.

                              With assistance, Viracu lab, computer lab was provided for 40 students and
                          infrastructural facilities such as furniture, flooring, fans and tube lights and a
                          watchman’s salary was also provided. The CAP foundation provided support
                          for  60  girls  in  learn  ingcself-defense  techniques.  Students  are  exposed  to
                          science and math labs through mobile labs of Agasthya foundation.

               ZPHS, Gowdapally, Medchal District: Head Master – Sri. Ravinder Raju.

                          The school has designed logo and has the following vision and mission.

                                                     EMPOWERING   UNDER PRIVILEGED CHILDREN
                                                         TO BECOME
                                                     “GLOBAL CITIZENS” WITH“PATRIOTIC FERVOUR”

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