P. 51

  Providing  space  for  birds  to  make  nest,  arranging  water  trays  and  grains  to

                          attract the birds stay in the school campus, which promotes the sense of bio-
                          diversity and sense of kindness towards other living creatures.
                         The schools may take up Hand wash, organic school garden, declaring plastic
                          free zone, soak pits, and water harvesting, energy auditing such eco-friendly
                          activities in the school.

                         The  school  may  become  a  center  for  developing  eco-friendly  products,  and
                          eco-friendly  environment:  use  of  bio-degradable  materials;  organic  farming;
                          use  of  organic  pesticides,  maintenance  of  herbal  gardens.    Use  of  vegetable
                          waste and food waste of mid-day meals could be used for the preparation of
                          organic  manure.  Conservation  of  water  used  by  students  for  hand  wash  and
                          washing of plates for maintenance of garden in the school.

                         Think of starting school museum with the help of students, local community
                          and parents in collecting antique objects.

                         Taking up a community-based Education like the protection of environment,
                          water conservation, soil conservation, conservation of energy.

                         Organization of sports and games and cultural meets for the parents and local
                          community  members.    Focus  could  be  given  for  promotion  of  local  and
                          traditional games.  School may have own bagpiper band, which improves the
                          prestige of Government schools.
                         Practicing  Yoga,  meditation,  exercises,  self  defence  techniques,  balance  diet
                          for the well-being of the children.

                         School  Assembly  may  be  made  more  attractive  with  conduct  of  varied
                          activities,  of  course  on  rotation  basis.  The  school  assembly  may  have
                          ‘introducing new word in Telugu/English/Hindi/Home language. Place may be
                          given  for  short  stories  on  discoveries  and  inventions  in  different  curricular
                          subjects;  introduction  of  General  knowledge  questions,  brain  teasers  etc.  A

                          novelty in conduct of school assembly infuses life.
                         Giving  opportunities  to  every  student  to  express  themselves  through  school
                          assembly: prayer, reading of news, talk on values, thought of a day, question
                          pertaining to general knowledge and any other activities. It aims to develop art
                          of public speaking among the students, to develop student’s expression power,
                          to develop self confidence among the students.

                         Feedback  mechanisms  may  be  evolved  from  students  and  parents  on  school
                          issues,  a  suggestion  box  may  be  provided  in  the  school.  It  may  be  opened
                          before SMC members. This will have good impact on school governance and
                          also in bringing qualitative change in the school.

                         Schools may celebrate days of national and international importance to provide
                          ample opportunities for the students to have exposure on different aspects.

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