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The defunct ICT lab is re-activated, and students are exposed to MS office,
Photoshop, Internet and DTP.A website of the school was launched, where the
achievements of the students are posted on the website. Even the radio is
being used for news and to increase general knowledge and listening skills
among student community. To improve the general knowledge, quiz is being
conducted at regular intervals in the audio and video format.
The school has built a rapport with the neighboring primary schools
working in Government sector by offering academic help, particularly for the
children of class-V. Many of these students will take admission in this
secondary school after completion of primary schooling. This intervention
helps to have 100 percent transition from neighboring primary schools to this
school. It also helps in equipping the requisite competencies required to enter
class VI, to make their schooling a pleasant journey.
ZPHS-Musthabad-Raipol Mandal-RajannaSirsilla district: Head Master-B.
Vittal Naik.
The School Head has developed the habit of planning the educational
activities. Shared the responsibilities to the teaching staff, conducting review
meetings with staff to take appraisal of the activities assigned to them and also
on the efforts being made to impart the quality education. As a part of quality
drive, lesson plans were evaluated by Head Teacher. Classroom observations
were made, followed by discussions for improvement of classroom teaching.
Focus was given to provide amenable environment and in provision of suitable
learning methodology for the children with Special needs. Training sessions
were conducted for the teachers on using innovative teaching learning process
at school level and at school complex level.
Co-ordinated with the stakeholders of the school system and mediated
between officials and teachers in implementation of school programs. Street
plays were conducted involving the students, teachers and Headmaster, on
educational and social themes like importance of education; swachh bharat etc.
The school has also undertaken the productive activities like stitching bags
with waste pieces of cloth. Mock parliament was conducted, and entire
proceedings were filmed. Storytelling and story writing sessions were
conducted for the students for language improvement. One girl student bagged
a cash prize of one lakh rupees for writing the story ina leading magazine of
Telugu ‘Swathi’.
The school has started school magazine with a title “Jamapandlu”. The
writings of the students and teachers found place in this school magazine,
which evoked interest among student community on creative writing. A
register is maintained to record the problems of the girl child, the problems