P. 47
The concept of Johari window which is learnt in the SLDP training is being
used in the school situation. Carefully analyzing ourselves and others in terms
of what we know and what others don’t know; what others know about us,
what we do not know; the aspects both we and others do not know about us.
This has helped to assess the individual capacities of the staff members. The
following cycle is adopted to accomplish the tasks set for implementation.
the work as
per our
We keep a We have
record of individual
activities in and common
our effort action plan
We evaluate We co-
the operate each
development other to run
regularly the action
All these processes helped to run the school normally, irrespective of the
presence of Head Teacher in the school campus. The SLDP training also
helped the School Head to optimally utilize available resources. He was also
able to take difficult decisions and in guiding the staff to take up multifarious
responsibilities. Involvement of teachers and community members in dealing
with financial resources not only brought transparency and accountability in
the school system but also helped to gain the confidence of the community
members and teachers. There were the instances where teachers voluntarily
sponsored the activities.
In the staff meeting, space is being given to think how the interests of the
students could be considered in organizing the school activities and teaching
learning activities. Motivated every staff member to prepare individual action
plan. Motivational classes are also being conducted by experts. Collective
decisions are being taken to tackle the issues of children absenteeism, staff
leaves and special classes to improve the students who are lagging behind.
With the help of donors, as an additional support, vidya volunteers were
positioned; distributed stationery to the students. Funds utilization teams,
sponsors inviting teams were constituted with staff members and students to
uphold the transparency and accountability.
School cabinets are formed and taking active part in organizing mid-day
meals, and in maintaining health and sanitation in the school through Yoga and
Swachh Patashala programmes. Effort is being made to resolve the
misunderstandings and difference of opinions between the groups of students
representing different portfolios of school cabinets. ‘Further what we have to
do?’ is the one of the agenda of the school cabinet meetings. This practice