P. 9

and  public  representatives.  In  a  few  schools,  a  feedback  mechanism  is  in  place.
               A suggestion box is kept in the school premises, where parents, community members are

               invited  to  drop  the  complaints  and  suggestions.  This  has  positive  impact  on  school
               governance and in improvement of quality education.

                       The  above  reflections  give  general  glimpses  of  the  overall  effect  of  School
               Leadership Development programme on the School Heads.  As the idea of innovations
               and activities vary from one School Head to another School Head, it is difficult to capture
               the  entire  spectrum  of  the  activities  happening  in  the  schools.  However,  an  attempt  is
               made  to  showcase  the  innovations,  activities  and  interventions  carried  by  the  School
               Heads in their respective schools after the SLDP programme.

                       The  following  data  presents  the  district  wise,  school  wise  innovative  activities
               introduced as a result of SLDP.

                                                  ADILABAD DISTRICT

               ZPSS, Ghotkuri-Adilabad District : Head Master -  S. Chandra Prakash

                              To  ensure  a  lasting  relationship  with  the  community,  regular  SMCs  and
                          Parents  meetings  have  been  conducted  and  this  has  helped  build  a  strong
                          rapport  with  the  local  community.  They  in  turn  have  extended  their  support
                          towards the responsibility of school developmental by helping in the fencing of
                          the school campus. As a day to day practice, HM’s one to one interaction with
                          the  parents  in  the  morning  hours  have  substantially  helped  increase  the
                          attendance percentage of the students, however there are continued efforts to
                          achieve  100%  attendance  from  all  the  students.  As  part  of  the  program  on
                          learning basic skills, dictation is given to the students every day to reduce the
                          errors in writing.

               ZPSS Thosham, Gudihathnoor, District Adilabad: Head Master-Dr. M. Prabhakar

                              A survey was conducted to know the perception of the students and parents
                          about  their  school.  Many  respondents  gave  their  opinions  and  feedback,  in
                          which  the  presence  of  teachers  in  the  school  on  time  is  highlighted.  This
                          feedback  helped  the  teachers  to  correct  themselves  and  started  conducting
                          study hours every day before the commencement of the school day. The Head
                          Teacher would check notebooks and identify underperforming students. This
                          initiative soon prompted the other teachers also to do the same and as a school,
                          they even helped students on holidays also with their studies. These efforts by
                          the school have changed the attitude of the students  towards  their education

                          and there was a visible change in the way projects were done by them.
                              The  School  Staff  started  visiting  students’  homes  who  were  absent  this
                          helped  to  reduce  the  absenteeism  in  school.  They  also  started  encouraging

                          students to participate in Science Fairs & Exhibitions and to observe the days
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