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               ZPHS-Kotagiri, Nizambad District: Head Master – Sri. Shivaling Ghalappa

                              Community  support  was  taken  to  arrange  nutrition  supplements
                          “GoruMuddha” for class-X students. Maintaining organic kitchen in the school
                          premises.  Grouping  the  students  into  houses  across  all  the  classes  and
                          assigning  the  specific  routine  activities  for  each  house  and  organization  of
                          house wise competitions in games, sports and cultural events. Tutoring of the
                          students who are lagging in academics and scaffolding them to overcome their

                          learning deficiencies in due course. Digitalization of school records was done.

               ZPHS-Donkeshwar, Nandipetmandal, Nizambad district:

                              The  school  head  has  focused  on  creating  ambience  in  the  school  by
                          developing  greenery  in  the  school  through  Haritha  Haaram.  During  this
                          programme,  saplings  were  planted  in  the  village  streets  by  involving
                          community. Celebrated Teachers day, Annual day and other important days of

                          national and international importance in the school are organizing field visits
                          for students.

                                            KAMAREDDY DISTRICT

               ZPHS (B), Kamareddy : Head Master – Sri. L. Deepla

                              As  a  result  of  regular  classroom  observations  by  the  school  Head,  the
                          teachers have  started preparing the lessons for  teaching well  in advance. By
                          involving the slow learners who are found to be not regular to school  in the
                          games,  their  regularity  to  the  school  has  been  increased.  Conducting  daily
                          evening  classes  for  half  an  hour  making  every  learner  learn  at  least  one
                          concept in a week in every subject. Started English club in which the students
                          are  made  to  learn  at  least  two  new  words  daily.  Class  wise  dictionaries  are
                          provided, keeping a target of learning 1000 words by each student. Organizing
                          the  school  based  programmes  such  as  Waste  management,  personal  hygiene
                          and water management, which is helping the students to learn good habits and
                          right attitudes.

               ZPHS-Tippapur,  Biknoormandal,  Kamareddy  District:  Head  Master:  Smt.  A.

                              This  school  is  located  in  a  pleasant  place  and  has  green  cover  with  230
                          trees with all basic facilities but has bare minimum strength of 80 students. The
                          priority  for  the  HM  is  to  increase  school  strength  and  reduce  absentees.  To
                          check the absenteeism, the HM is trying to find the reasons for the students not
                          coming regularly to school.  Attendance monitoring committee is constituted
                          by  the  students  representing  four  students  from  each  class.  The  committee

                          members  visit  homes  of  those  students  who  are  not  regular,  and  act  as  a
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