P. 30

and hygiene in school premises including toilets, maintaining greenery, formation
                          of healthy habits and maintaining personal hygiene.

                              Taking  the  cue  of  the  initiative  of  in  Mahbubnagar  district  “Inti  ki  Vanda,
                          Badiki  Chanda”  (Donation  to  school,  Rs.  100  per  house),  this  school  is
                          contemplating to implement this scheme in their school for tapping of resources
                          from community and school Alumni.

               ZPHS-Mahbubnagar:Head Master –Mr. Prasanna Kumar

                              Under Swachh bharat, incinerators are provided in the school and hand wash
                          progammme is being implemented in the school. Fund mobilization is made by
                          the  school  from  the  parents  on  the  call  given  by  the  District  Collector
                          “Intikivanda, badikichanda” – Donation by every house @Rs. 100/- per house.

                                         NAGARKURNOOL DISTRICT

               ZPHS-Thodukurthy-Nagarkurnool District: Head Master-D. Venkataiah

                              The School Head has been practicing the prioritizing of issues through grid,
                          which he was exposed to during SLDP, resulted into doing the task within the
                          time frame and reduced considerable work pressure. Implementing the slogan
                          ‘teach  every  child,  every  period,  every  day’  in  the  school  which  is  coined
                          during  SLDP  training  programme.  To  realize  the  above  objective,  focus  is
                          given to engage the students optimally in teaching learning process during the
                          school hours. Provisional daily timetable is being drawn, where all the teachers
                          are assigned to engage the classes if any teacher is absent.

                              Team building and Distributive leadership practices which were  learnt in

                          SLDP are being implemented in the school, where the teachers are trying to
                          work in groups with collaborative spirit and started taking responsibility and
                          independent  decisions.  The  leadership  programme  helped  in  management  of
                          resources effectively and in developing problem-solving skills. Teaching and
                          learning  process  in  the  classrooms  is  being  improved,  where  activities,
                          discussions,  project,  experiments  are  put  to  practice. Science  labs  are  put  to

                              Conducting  co-curricular  activities  such  as  cultural,  games,  literary
                          activities  to  nurture  the  innate  abilities  among  the  student  community  on  a
                          regular  basis.  Personal  hygiene,  environmental  protection  activities  like  tree
                          plantation and its adoption in school premises and at home by every child is
                          encouraged. By organizing various literary activities in the school, the students
                          are compelled  to use  library for preparation.  This has helped the  students  to
                          realize that the Library is very important resource for developing knowledge.
                          Book review sessions are conducted in the school as a part of library activity.
                          These activities are helpful to the students to become a potential poets, writers,

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