P. 33

The features of the said programmeare as follow:

                              A  set  of  50  different  work  sheets  with  separate  key  sheets  are  prepared.
                          Each  work  sheet  contains  40  questions  carrying  40  marks,  each  question
                          contains  3  problems  (based  on  multiplication).  Each  student  is  given  for  30
                          minutes practice, followed by 5 minutes
                          meditation, then test is administered for
                          10  minutes.  The  test  papers  are
                          evaluated,  and  marks  are  recorded  and

                          progress  of  each  student  is  reported
                          individually. The work is done in team
                          with the support of captain, group-little
                          teacher, House-Leader.


                          The programme is focused on mental calculations, with minimum rough work.
                       The programme helped to improve speed with the accuracy and mental ability of
                       the students.

               EFFECT OF  THE PROGRAMME :

                          As  per  base  line  test,  the  school  average  was  1.87  out  of  40.  After  the
                       intervention, the school average is now around 14+.  School attendance has been
                       improved.  Implementation  of  digital  classes  effectively  by  allotment  of  specific
                       periods in timetable, maintenance of log register and teacher diary. As a result, it
                       has become part and parcel of the daily regular activities. The students voluntarily
                       go to the digital classes, whenever they have a digital period.

                       Inculcation of  Leadership skills among student community:

                              It  is  identified  that  students  lacks  kills  in  games  and  also  a  sense  of
                          responsibility which is needed to excel in sports and games.

                              To  spot  the  talents  and  weakness  of  the  students  during  participation  in
                          sports and games, and to nurture their talent, the P.E.T. adopted the following
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