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contributions of the individual and appreciation; focus on the issues and
problems not the persons.
To reduce absenteeism, introduced health awareness program as a part of
daily assembly. The main reason for absenteeism to the school is due to health
issues. Therefore, their vocational health teacher who is well versed in nursing,
speaks daily about the anatomy of the body, first aid, different types of
diseases, its symptoms, medication and preventative measures and other issues
related to health and hygiene. The school took the initiative of conducting
Parent Empowerment Programme to create awareness on Child development,
their needs and the support to be given at home.
This school believes that school assembly is an embodiment of acquiring
knowledge and creating awareness among the student community. Daily
students have a talk about one organ, one disease and symptoms related to
health issues. These talks helped to reduce school absentees to large extent.
As SMC and parent meetings were attended by few members, now these
meetings are being conducted at their village which has improved the
attendance. In these meetings, sensitization programmes are being conducted
to them on parental care of their children and in formation of good habits.
Class wise WhatsApp groups were created with parents to facilitate the
information of the school activities, coverage of syllabus, students’ attendance
and academic progress. The information related to job notification, various
courses offered at post Intermediate level, and career guidance are being sent
to students of Intermediate course.
Implementing various innovative methods of teaching to capture the
attention of students and to convey ideas and concept which will have long
lasting impression on children’s mind. Believing in Learning by doing, the
students are exposed to playful games audio-visual materials like models,
filmstrips, movies, pictures by using TV’s, K.yan, laptops, desktops and more
often by using cell phones. Every fortnight through English club “role play” is