P. 43

Committees were formed to ensure the safety and security of the children
                          and their rights. The School has said “No to corporal punishment”. The student

                          committees took the initiative in clearing the school ground. The students were
                          given  an  opportunity  to  honestly  write  about  the  issues  and  problems  to  the
                          School HM. Time sense is created among the students, where all the students
                          are made to attend the school prayer on time.

                                           RANGAREDDY DISTRICT

               ZPHS Chinna Golkonda, Shamshabad, R.R dist – Head Master – S. Ravinder
                              Provision of reading period is made in the timetable. The main aim is to
                          inculcate reading habit among the students, where the students read other than
                          textbooks in the library. Students are also exposed to Digital classes.Achieved
                          cent percent results in class-X, special coaching to the students for admission

                          into IIIT, secured admissions in IIIT.
                              Regular conduct of SMC meetings and involving them in the preparation of
                          School  development  plan  and  in  procuring  funds  for  school  development.
                          Channelizing the funds from the corporate sector such as Bank of America and
                          Amazon for establishing computer labs and science labs and other community
                          members  in  procuring  furniture  for  students  and  office  equipment  like
                          Photostat machine and scanner.

                              The  future  activities  are  to  provide  Career  guidance  to  the  students  and
                          providing high quality lab facilities and library.

               ZPHS-Vattinagulapally, Gandipetmandal-R.R. District: T. Ravinder

                              In collaboration with NGOs and corporate sector, established a computer
                          lab  and  library.  Organized  literary  competitions  and  medical  checkups.
                          Involvement of Village Sarpanch, ward member, local youth organizations in
                          procuring free notebooks, free transport facilities to the students coming from
                          far off places, celebration of Annual day. Maintained up to date school records
                          and registers.

                              Ensured  that  learning  takes  place  in  all  the  classrooms.  Emphasized  on
                          conducting experiments, learning activities, group works and the organization
                          of  digital  classes.  Created  a  sense  of  belongingness  among  the  students  on
                          safety of school property, if any item is damaged, those who are responsible
                          for it will replace with alternate low cost or zero cost material. For example: If
                          the drain pipe of the wash basin  is damaged, the students replaced  it with a
                          pipe  made  of  plastic  bottles.  This  act  was  helpful  in  creating  the  self
                          confidence among the learners that ‘I can do’.

                              Space  is  created  inside  and  outside  of  the  classroom  to  express  the
                          individual  opinion  and  ideas  of  the  students  through  mock  parliament,  self-
                          government  day  etc.  Formed  student  cabinets  to  monitor  the  day  to  day

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