P. 42

The  school  has  adopted  the  policy  of  adopting  digital  technology  for
                          teaching learning process, where staff rooms are equipped with AV equipment

                          and made a policy that every day one teacher has to teach his/her lessons using
                          digital  technology.    To  develop  the  writing  skills  among  the  children,  the
                          school  is  making  all  children  to  write  a  diary  called  Children’s  diary.  Self-
                          monitoring  mechanism  is  evolved,  where  children  monitor  the  cleaning  of
                          Washrooms, locking and unlocking of the toilets, arrangement of water.
                              Whenever the  school organizes parents  meeting, it would be attended by

                          the parents in full strength, and they were briefed on the achievements of the
                          school  including  academic  performance  of  the  students.    With  the  help  of
                          parents, motivational campaigns were conducted to improve the enrolment of
                          the school.

                              The immediate task is to improve the learning levels of the children, where
                          half  of  the  students  need  to  improve  basic  skills  i.e.,  reading,  writing  and
                          simple arithmetic, where they wish to devote at least two days on each subject.
                          Summer camp is organized for the students of students of classes VI and VII to
                          improve the learning levels.  In this summer camp, ragiambali (supplementary
                          diet)  is  sponsored  by  HM.  He  has  also  arranged  two  Vidya  volunteers
                          exclusively for summer camp with his personal funds.

               ZPHS, Ismailkhanpet, Sangareddy District: Head Master-Sri. B. Manohar

                              As  a  school  complex  HM  (CRC-coordinator),  makes  visits  to  attach
                          schools for academic monitoring and even attends their school assembly. As a
                          part of decentralized management, duties are allocated to the teaching staff to
                          monitor  MDM  duties  on  rotation  basis,  the  work  has  been  assigned  to  3
                          teachers  including  the  HM  every  day.  To  enforce  punctuality  among  the
                          teaching staff, deduction of half a day CL on being late is enforced. The Head
                          teacher  is  also  to  comply  with  the  norms.  This  measure  has  improved  the

                          teachers’ punctuality to a large extent with exception of a few teachers.
                              To develop English language skills among VIII class students, they are being
                          encouraged to read the lessons and identify new words. Dictionaries are provided
                          to  search  the  meanings.  With  the  community  support,  the  school  is  provided

                          with  Solar  fencing  around  the  school.  With  their  support,  the  school  has
                          developed a library, where it has procured about 250 books and almirahs.
               ZPSS-Mallikarujunpally -Sangareddy district: Head Master-Srisailam

                              For improvement of school enrolment, a pamphlet was issued highlighting
                          the features of the Government school, inviting the parents to join the school.
                          To maximize the participation of the SMC meetings, the school has taken the
                          initiative in conduct of   SMC meetings were conducted in different villages.

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