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organized to develop the students’ interpersonal skills and make them bold and
become self-confident and to overcome their stage fear.
Set up class wise libraries, wall magazine and
bulletin boards to improve creative writing and
writing skills. Food and Fun festivals are organized in
the school to understand consumerism. Girl child
empowerment club is in operation.
Conducted a workshop to staff members to build their capacities as leaders.
Funds are being raised to provide digital screen in each class through donations
from individuals and community members. Students are engaged academically
if the teacher is on leave, they are exposed to viewing of educational videos
and educational TV programmes.
To develop leadership skills and to develop the attitude of developing
ownership, team spirit among the student community, the students were
divided into four houses ‘Shivaji gladiators; Tagore knights; Ramanjun
Spartans and Raman Vikings. Organized school science exhibition with 236
exhibits and actively participated in State flag ship programme - Haritha
ZPHS-Chinnagottimukla, Shivampetmandal, Medak District: Head Master
Developmental works with community support such as leveling of
playground, construction of toilets, furniture to the students, payment of
electricity bills and nutrient additions in the midday meals are being
undertaken. Procured benches for the students from the Collector’s funds and
from community. Concept of adoption of plants by the students is being
To improve students attendance, home visits are done by the staff and HM.
Organization of cultural, sports and games events and conduct of local festivals
in the school campus. Students are exposed to Digital classes. Labs were
developed in non-language subjects Sciences, Math and Social studies,
students are made to do practical’s in labs.