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ZPSS-Machavaram, Medak District: Head Master –Chandra Prakash
Ensured the presence of staff and students in the school assembly. System
of regular appraisal of teachers’ performance has been introduced.
Encouragement is given to good performers in academics, regular remedial
teaching is being organized. Engaging low performing students in the last
period by all the teachers. Regular conduct of book reviews is done by the
students, which encouraged the students to read the books other than
textbooks. Invitations are being sent to the parents to participate in the school
activities, the response of the parents is not so encouraging.
ZPHS-Madoor, Medak District: Head Master – Sri. D Nagender Reddy
As the School Head is also a School complex HM, the monthly meetings
are conducted in attached schools on a rotation basis. The Head Teacher
himself acts a role model to his teaching staff in maintaining the punctuality to
school. With the funds provided by US donor, night watchman is arranged to
the school to ensure security of the school.
Effort is being made to bring dropouts and long absentees to the school, by
focusing on one class every day. The school data is updated on a regular basis
and shared through what’s app among the staff members. For language
development, encouraged the teachers to use story cards/ snehabala in
substitution periods, and children are made to access school magazine- hai
bujji. To improve the learning levels, every day last period remedial teaching
is being conducted for those students who are lagging behind.
ZPHS-Papannapet: Head Master- Sudhakar
Making the teachers to come on time to school, was a challenge, that has
been met successfully by the H.M. Each teacher has been attached with 30
children for monitoring the attendance. Equal opportunity is given for both
boys and girls for conducting school assembly. Using Technology for student
learning and organizing complex levels science fair.
The HM has become a role model, in maintaining the discipline of time in
the school. The HM goes to the school at least half an hour before it begins.
Student Committees were constituted to inculcate the sense of responsibility
and leadership among the student community. More attention is being given to
slow learners by providing academic support by the teachers through working
extra time. Transparency is maintained in financial aspects by authorizing
teachers to spend the funds.