P. 40

ZPHS-Ramsagar, Repole Mandal, Siddipet District: Head Master Sathaiah

                              The  Headmaster  filmed  the  activities  of  the  school  and  exhibited  to  the
                          parents and community. The school walls are used to visually communicate to
                          the community by depicting the  vision of  the  school, features of  the school.
                          The walls are painted with slogans, poems, days of national and international
                          importance.  Portraits  of  National  leaders  are  placed  in  the  staffroom  and
                          corridors of the school.

                          The  vision  of  the  school:  “To  equip  the  students  with  problem  solving
                          abilities  and  thinking  skills  such  as  creativity  &  analytical;  enable  them  to
                          participate  in  development  of  Science  and  Technology  and  endow  with  the

                          values to lead successful life on par with other citizens of the world’.
                              The features of the school are depicted on the walls such as measures for
                          imparting quality  education; hand holding of low achievers to improve their
                          learning;  students’  access  to  digital  classes  and  science  labs,  ensuring  basic
                          skills in three languages; organization of field trips. Conduct of competitions
                          such as sports, cultural and arts; conduct of health checkups, martial arts for

                          girl children. It also mentioned  that  the facilities offered to  the students  like
                          paying transport charges to  the students coming from far off places, midday
                          meals, free textbooks, uniforms.

                              In  terms  of  Quality  drive,  the  HM  observes  the  classroom  teaching  and
                          holds  staff  meeting  periodically  to  review  the  academic  progress  of  the
                          children.  The  school  has  also  focused  on  maintaining  the  greenery  in  the
                          campus,  took  active  participation  in  Haritha  Haaram  programme,  organized
                          language day and observes other days of national importance.

                                            SANGAREDDY DISTRICT

               Telangana Model School-Jarasangam-Sangareddydist:Principal – MohdRiyazuddin

                          The Leadership training has helped to understand the role of Principal as not
                          just  as  a  Leader,  but  in  being  a  multi  tasker,  as  a  mentor,  motivator,  team
                          builder and as a liaison officer.
                              The  challenges  identified:  Scarce  resources;  staff  differences;  political
                          interference; student absenteeism.  In spite of these challenges, effort has been

                          made to make this school as a model school. The labs that the school has (math
                          lab, physics lab, chemistry lab, computer lab, vocational workshops) are put to
                          use at optimum level including digital classes.

                              Organized  sports  events,  cultural-literary  activities  in  the  school.  Planted
                          200 saplings in spite of barren land with teamwork of school staff and students.
                          Regular phone calls to the parents whose students are long absentees and did
                          counselling. It has helped to improve the attendance and enrolment particularly
                          at Intermediate level.
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