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donor, additional classrooms, compound wall, kitchen and facilities for hand
                          wash  are  provided.  The  school  has  been  able  to  procure  laptops,  LCD

                          projector, recording kit, public address system; dual desks with the support of
                          local  community  and  NGOS.  Construction  of  a  water  tank  and  big  dais;
                          distribution of notebooks and sponsorship of prizes on national important days
                          are being done with their support.
                              With the help of  the Alumni and  local  community ‘Education fund’ was
                          created, about two lakh rupees is kept as fixed deposit on school name. Online

                          Spoken English classes are in operation with the support of Rishi Foundation.
                          Established Atal Tinkering Lab with the assistance of Nithi Ayog, an Energy
                          club and Student Police Cadet are also started. There was no single tree earlier,
                          now many plantations were done, along with a pipeline to facilitate watering to
                          the  plants/trees.  A  green  Brigade  has  been  established  to  undertake  Swachh
                          Bharat and Swachh Patashala programmes.

                              Students  were  divided  into  six  houses,  where  they  monitored  the  school
                          activities  such  as  conduct  of  assembly,  MDM,  Swachh  Bharat  and  other
                          activities.  The  SLDP  programme  has  helped  to  undertake  multifarious
                          activities in the school such as maintaining the records efficiently, maintaining
                          the transparency while dealing with financial transactions. Able to disseminate
                          the information meaningfully to the colleagues and making them to follow the
                          instructions given by the higher officials.

                              Conducts regular review meetings with the staff after completion of tasks,
                          If  any  short  comings  are  noticed  while  executing  the  works,  they  will  be
                          discussed thoroughly in the meeting so as to avoid the recurrence of the same
                          in future. Every teaching staff member is encouraged to prepare the action plan
                          for executing the task assigned. The tasks to be performed are being informed
                          to all staff members, as per their choice and interests. Accordingly, the tasks
                          are allocated to individuals and in groups. Usually the tasks are maintenance of
                          admission and withdrawal register, lab maintenance (math, science and social

                          studies) energy club, pay bills etc
                              The  HM  observes  daily  at  least  one  classroom,  gives  feedback  on  the
                          observations. Maintains observation register and holds discussions with every
                          teaching  staff  and  reviews  the  progress  of  the  students.  He  also  started
                          emphasizing  group  teaching  as  a  part  of  regular  teaching  strategies  and

                          teaching  according  to  learning  levels  and  mental  abilities  of  the  students.
                          Making the teachers to think of ways in keeping off the academic pressure and
                          in leading healthy life. The HM himself undertakes teaching for class X with a
                          focus on important concepts and for class VI, which is an entry class for High
                          school with a focus on basics in mathematics.

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