P. 41

TS MODEL SCHOOL- Munipally-Sanga Reddy:  Principal-Sri. P. Bhaskar Reddy.

                              The Principal of the school wishes to  make ‘self-development as a goal,
                          wish to bring transformation in the teaching learning process, where building
                          teams and building partnerships with stake holders  is  essential.  Towards the
                          journey  of  change,  a  workshop  was  conducted  with  the  teachers  on  ‘How a
                          child Learn?  In the discussions it was realized that all students cannot  learn
                          everything the same way. It was felt that there is a need for diversified learning
                          activities to suit individual differences.

                              To learn spellings, the teachers developed a ‘word wall’ in each class. In
                          every assembly, students were chosen randomly in the assembly to present the
                          new  words  they  learnt.  The  students  were  asked  to  maintain  a  word  wall  at
                          home as well. This intervention helped to improve the vocabulary and spelling
                          abilities  among  the  student  community.  Students  were  made  to  note  the
                          learning  of  every  day  that  was  made  by  them  in  their  diaries  of  different
                          subjects.  Randomly,  the  students  were  chosen  to  present  in  the  School
                          Assembly, which includes content, concepts and also the new words.

                              Students were also encouraged to teach the peer group in the classrooms in
                          the presence of subject teachers, which has improved the self-learning of the
                          students. Ambience of the school and classroom were improved.

               ZPHS-Sulthanpur-Sangareddy District: Head Master- Rudrappa

                              The  School  initiated  Peer  learning  as  one  of  the  strategies  for  learning
                          enhancement to promote the self-learning process. To develop writing skills,
                          the children were insisted to write children diaries and recording of period wise
                          activities.  To  develop  reading  habit  among  the  children,  the  students  were
                          asked to present on one topic/story what they read in the books from the school
                              The School has adopted the policy ‘No to corporal punishment’. Students
                          were given  opportunities to  express their doubts by providing a space of 10
                          minutes per day to raise the doubt on the concepts that they didn’t understand.

                          With the active participation of Parents, they could readmit 4 long absentees,
                          and  they  could  even  Stopped  one  child  marriage.  Organized  meetings  with
                          HMs and teachers of Primary schools to discuss on the strategies on attaining
                          of basic skills at the primary level.

                   ZPHS Muthangi, Sangareddy District: Head Master Sri. N.Mallesham.

                              The  Headmaster  took  the  lead  in  organizing  science  fair  at  the  school
                          Complex level.  The school complex meetings are being organized effectively
                          with the teachers working in the neighborhood area focused on sharing of their
                          experiences on academic aspects.  This was well appreciated by JRM.

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